1413 Webberville Rd, Austin, TX 78721
United States
Please join us for the 4th annual AUSTIN TO AFRICA Benefit for Guinea!
Performances by:
* Atash (https://www.facebook.com/atashmusic)
* Austin Samba School (http://www.austinsamba.com/)
* Bamako Airlines (https://www.facebook.com/bamakoairlines/)
* Bramaya (http://www.bramaya.com/)
* Sevana Marimba (https://www.facebook.com/sevanamarimba) - 7 PM
Plus: family friendly African food!
Visit syllamusic.com/austin-to-africa-benefit/ to read about the results of our previous benefits.
This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/rattletree.com/abou-benefit?hceid=cmF0dGxldHJlZS5jb21fMzhkNjVuOG9haTk2Z2swczM5bmFmOTA2cjRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.cdrp7el77rhsmshk66avvagjg8&hs=121