September 15, 2017 @ 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Barton Springs Municipal Pool
2131 William Barton Dr, Austin, TX 78746
United States

Please join the Kupira Marimba Trio to celebrate Mother Earth.

The festival brings together music, puppet shows, murals, interactive booths, games, art, local wildlife, and youngsters to create Mother Earth Day at the Springs. This celebration is an “Earth Day” specifically for and about Barton Springs, Barton Creek, and this special watershed in and around Austin.

Kupira Marimba Trio from 11:45-12:45

Educational and Fun Ecological Activities
SOS Endangered Species of Barton Creek Mural
Tours of “Splash! Exhibit”
Mother Earth Art Projects
Puppet Theatre
Dancing and music
Salamander sock puppets!
Austin Energy Solar Trailer!
Giant Chess Game!
Turtles! Hula Hoops! Magic!


This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/rattletree.com/zilker-park?hceid=cmF0dGxldHJlZS5jb21fYzFidW8xNGMxMG5xc2dzaWRibGxqMzU1azhAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.2lit5b4ukt2vpcdjag1at59aqc&hs=121